Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Whose Mistake was it?

While working outdoors this past weekend, I listened to a podcast episode that really changed how I view both myself and others.

For a long time, I thought I had a clear understanding of why human beings (including me) have particularly irrational tendencies. In particular, on matters where mistakes have been made or where firmly-held beliefs are challenged.

I had, or so I thought, gained substantial insights from such books and talks as:

And there's always more to read as far as taking charge of our irrational tendencies goes... You can get the entire book here.

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From mid 2021, I started reading Mistakes Were Made (But not by Me) and this opened up a whole new understanding on such important things as confirmation bias, cognitive dissonance and justifying our mistakes..

And as of last week when I listened to the Mindscape podcast episode featuring Carol Tavris, I realize there is so much more to learn and unlearn, especially about ourselves.


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We're truly on a roll about podcasts this Walkabout Wednesday. After all, the truth is out there... isn't it?  Yeah, human logic is so twisted, you have no idea.

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Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Results are Your Only Reality


We are used to seeing inspirational quotes like the one above. But a week ago today, I came across a meme on Twitter. Below a pretty interesting graphic of someone doing tedious work, the caption was: 

"Your kids will not benefit from your struggles, but from your successes." 

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That has inspired this week's Walkabout Wednesday.

I won't add much to the aforementioned caption, other than share something else that resonates very well with that insight. This is from one of my top three all-time favorite books: How to Win in the Coming Jua Kali Boom by Samuel M. Wamae.

This book is a highly recommend read as the author provides practical guidelines and steps towards self determination and gainful enterprise for an individual in an African setting. Specifically, in Kenya.

Following is the final chapter on Results:

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We have all grown up praising struggle and effort. A key message in schools is that 'Hard Work Pays.' But I think there is no reward that emanates from merely putting in effort.

It is a bit contrarian to say this, but people get rewarded for had work bears great results. Not just working hard. And it is for this reason that being innovative and effective make a whole lot of difference.

Because there is great reward in efficient effort. That is what we now need to believe on this journey of life. 


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