Friday, August 29, 2014

Wanting what You already Have

August is almost over. For some people, end-month is yet another chance to look back at the four weeks past and review one's life. Having taken inventory, any life changes - improvements, cutting back, discipline, frugality, investments - can then be effected.

Only last week, I listened to a breakfast talk show on Nation FM and the topic was depression, and the attendant mental anguish, suicide and self esteem issues. One of the expert guests detailed how a person gets frustrated thanks to comparing one's circumstances with those of peers, neighbors, friends and others of similar social standing.

Upon realizing that one may be wanting in a thing or two, mostly in material possessions, feelings of inadequacy erode one's self esteem, frustrations impair one's focus on what truly matters and misplaced priorities blind one to his or her special place in life.

If we take an honest look at life, much of what we've got often goes unnoticed as we engage in a mindless quest to attain more and more needless stuff. Many of us obsess with what we do not have, get stressed that others have more and better than we do, and at times despise them for that.

Taking time to appreciate what one already have, and to be content with what one is.. this is the first step to being a person of value. Granted, allowing others to define one's purpose in life will only lead to succumbing to a warped understanding of what 'making it' and success is all about.

In sum, take time to appreciate both yourself and others. Realize that we are united by our differences. As such, others need you and you need them and for this reason, we cannot all be the same. It is the presence of short people that makes some people tall.
Be content, even as you seek amelioration. Avoid the all-too-alluring greed for material things. Take time to want you already have.

Finally, Sheryl Crow in Soak Up the Sun reminds us to lighten up, there's often no one to blame even when we feel lame.

Have a pleasant end-month weekend, and may September start on a high note for you!


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