Thursday, January 7, 2016

The Walkabout is now Complit.

It is a new year.
This calls for new beginnings.
But The Walkabout is not new - far from it. We have been on an incredible journey of insight, inspiration and self discovery since 2009.

True, there have been changes here and there, and the occasional, inevitable hiatus.
So what is so different or new, this time around?

For starters, we have moved to a more appropriate web address:
As will become evident in coming days, this is an apt and more encompassing URL that captures the new spirit of The Walkabout.

In addition, a new book that distills and expounds on the most profound posts on The Walkabout is in the works.

It is also worth noting that all going well, we shall post more. At least one post every single week. Hopefully a lot more.
We did suck terribly at this in 2015, so it can only get better.

* * *

10 years ago, Natalie Imbruglia released an album titled 'Counting Down the Days'. Well, starting today...


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