Thursday, November 26, 2009

Back on The Walkabout. The Hiatus is so Over!

Inspired Reading

This comeback post has been inspired by  a blog post by a friend  on Purpose, and by a Goals Report by Brian Tracy that I recently read.

[caption id="attachment_443" align="aligncenter" width="350" caption="The Purpose of Life"]The Purpose of Life[/caption]

Peter's Walkabout

On March 10 2009, Peter's Walkabout was launched. From the very first post, we sought to identify, share and benefit from whatever lessons life throws at us in everything we see,  hear, experience, think or imagine. In short, The Walkabout was just but a journey of Insight, Inspiration and Self Discovery.

Back in the day, I posted an average of three posts each week. This gradually became two posts every week and eventually, there were no posts at all from July 31, 2009.

Comfort Zones

With time, several distractions made me lose sight of my original goal of writing consistently, on and about things that added value. Looking back, I kept offering excuses to myself and justifying every sundown without an additional post on my walkabout. . . increased design workload, meetings, social engagements and mush more.

Other excuses were that I was reading (yes I do read a lot) or watching TV Series (Desperate Housewives, Fringe, North Shore etc...) and movies.

Eventually, I had to completely redesign my web site. The new Complit Communications web site had to reflect significant growth in my design and creative writing business, and part of this involved the setting up of a design blog - Complit Design. This has since been done, but the already configured blogs (Complit Design, The Walkabout and Green Kenya) still remain unattended.

It was when I finished reading Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol and a Facebook note titled "Knowledge, Strength, Love and Happiness" by one Eric Ng'eno that I realized I was in pretty much the same illusory state a la Zebediah Lomack in Strangers by Dean Koontz. It was time to wake up, smell the coffee and actually do the needful.

Renewed Purpose

In the movie SAW III, Jigsaw says,
Despite having all the advantages, many of us still choose not to advance.

From Goals by Brian Tracy (all you have to do to get this report is follow Brian Tracy on Twitter), he highlights several things that define success. Key among them is Self-Discipline, Character and Persistence.

In The Memoirs, my friend's journey "will take a lot of commitment to keep it going, a lot of discipline on my part, and a lot of giving."

The Way Ahead

That said, I'll no longer postpone on The Walkabout. This being a purpose-driven endeavor, I'll seek to continually learn and share with my loyal readers.

Finally, let us be reminded of the very reason why we do some of the noble things we do. The reason is far much bigger than ourselves.

From his January 20th 2009 Inauguration speech, US President Barack Obama said the following words:
"This is the source of our confidence: the knowledge that God calls on us to shape an uncertain destiny."

"let us remember these timeless words; with hope and virtue, let us brave once more the icy currents, and endure what storms may come; let it be said by our children's children that when we were tested we refused to let this journey end, that we did not turn back nor did we falter; and with eyes fixed on the horizon and God's grace upon us, we carried forth..."

Let us continue learning and sharing together.

God bless The Walkabout, and every place else.

Cheers to this Walkabout comeback!


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