Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Freedom Writers: Writing for Change

Last weekend, I decided to sit back and watch movies.

Freedom Writers is one of the movies I watched. I find this movie very profound, because it is an amazing story of strength, courage and achievement in the face of adversity.

The Freedom Writers Diary

Based on the non-fiction book: "The Freedom Writers Diary: How a Teacher and 150 Teens Used Writing to Change Themselves and the World Around Them", this is a story that really edifies and inspires change.

Set in Long Beach California, Erin Gruwell's (Hilary Swank) passion to become a teacher is soon challenged by a group of Black, Latino, and Asian gangbangers who hate her even more than each other.

Mrs. G. is different among the other teachers in this inner city public school because she has the crazy idea that these kids can learn at a high level and learn to develop relationships with each other. Her deep passion for these students end up costing her her marriage.

But she never gave up on her students, nor on her desire to effect positive change. She held on and stayed strong.

Following is the Freedom Writers official trailer:

Changed Lives

The students were vividly reminded through books, testimony and tours, of the Holocaust.

The real beauty of the movie is the fact that Erin's students lives have changed. Their perspective in life, their opportunities, their world has changed - because they chose to see things differently.

I very strongly recommend that you watch this movie, it might just change your life, for better.

Happy Holidays my friends!


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