Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Introducing The Walkabout Weekly Digest podcast

Hello and happy new month... Yay! We're now onto the third month of March. 2021 was quite a year, inundated with challenges and a whole lot of things going on. But that we are now here means that we gainfully appropriated the opportunities the past 365 days presented.

2021 may be gone, but it is a year that we can look back at and build on as we aspire to even greater achievement.

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The Walkabout started way back in March 2009 with this very first post. Inspired by this scene in the S04E11 episode of LOST titled 'Cabin Fever', it was and continues to be a journey of Insight, Inspiration and Self Discovery. That was more than a decade ago.





12 years later, we have elected to take a truly exciting, refreshing approach to this enduring journey. In addition to the delightful reads you've come to love on the blog, you'll now listen to a podcast from  The Walkabout.

Welcome to Walkabout Weekly Digest

Yes. Beginning this month, we shall now present for your listening pleasure, a podcast that will in just a few minutes, distill much of what we usually post on The Walkabout.

In addition, the Walkabout Weekly Digest will feature additional content than would normally be included in a blog post. The first episode comes your way on Sunday, March 06 and we plan on releasing an episode every week thereafter. 

Listen to the Walkabout Weekly Digest podcast intro on Spotify or click below to listen directly on this page:




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Admittedly, there is a bit of a learning curve as we delve into this new multimedia world of podcasting, but we do have the courage to change. It makes no sense to keep on waiting on the word to change when we can learn on the job and still have an impact. We shall get better at it as we get along. In under a week from now, we hit the ground running and we won't stop believin'...


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