There is a lot to say about expectations. Everyone seems to have an opinion. I'm about to tell you mine.
But first...
Did you know that starting this month, The Walkabout Weekly Digest podcast will be available on your favorite podcast app? Catch new episodes every Sunday starting March 06, 2022. For now, listen on Spotify to the Walkabout Weekly Digest trailer:
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Lao Tzu will tell you to act without expectation. According to William Shakespeare, expectation is the root of all heartache. On the other hand, Sylvia Plath writes that if you expect nothing from somebody, you are never disappointed. But according to Sam Walton, high expectations are the key to everything. Eli Khamarov's take is that the best things in life are unexpected - because they were no expectations.
All this is very likely to get one quite confused!
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So what is writer Mandy Hale's take?
When you release expectations, you are free to enjoy things for what they are instead of what you think they should be.
If you think the above is interesting, this is what American author Louise Hay does:
I let go of all expectations. People, places and things are free to be themselves, and I am free to be me.
I find this fascinating.
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On my birthday in July 2009, I wrote this post about expectations. The thing about life is that we cannot go about with zero expectations about anything. It is a human and natural thing to do. And whereas the expectation is just the beginning, it is the unexpected that changes our lives.
Earlier in oday's post, I indicated I'll share my opinion about expectations. Well, that is something I've elected to do in the first episode of the Walkabout Weekly Digest on Sunday, March 06. Not here, not now.
Meanwhile, listen to the podcast intro and let us know what you think.
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The only constant in life is change. You'll often find yourself going backwards and then forwards in this life. And that is no twisted logic. So much as things change, we all change as well...