Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Lessons on Personal Branding for success

After launching the all-new PeterNjenga.com, a close friend asked me if I was marketing Peter Njenga (myself) or Complit Communications (my registered business). I told him that Peter Njenga is the brand I am particularly keen to build at the moment. And I explained to him why.

Make your Personal Brand stand out from the crowd

Many people have a load of aspersions about the essence of building, nurturing and benefiting from their own (personal) brands. I recently read a speech on Target Setting for Success, that was delivered by Eric Kimani to the British Council Leadership Forum in Nairobi, on 19th September, 2007. He offers very useful lessons on Personal Branding as a tool for, and means to success.

Personal Brand and You

Following are some highlights of the speech:

  1. Keep time!

  2. You must be passionate at what you do.

  3. You must learn how to deliver extra-ordinary service.

  4. Understand globalization.

  5. Jobs have been re-engineered and continue to be re-engineered by technology. You must think and brand yourself appropriately!

  6. You must stop thinking employment/employee and begin to see yourself as an independent contractor.

  7. You must pass what one management writer called the Painter test.

  8. Branding yourself for success demands that you exercise power that is far beyond what is vested in your employment, contract or work environment.

  9. Powerful branding demands a high level of moral authority.

  10. Personal branding demands higher credibility.

  11. To increase brand visibility it would help to build yourself a web site.

  12. Learn and upgrade your skills to improve the brand you! Read voraciously.

Download the entire speech by Eric Kimani here (zipped PDF 66KB).

Let us learn, share and prosper.


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